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Day By Day (DBD) Ethereum
评分3.3- Coin: Day By Day (DBD)
- Launch Date: 2021-12-17
- 地址: 0xa5f1dbb0e55bc31f32c6d032bee330288490e722
- 平台: Ethereum
- 网站:
- 浏览器: etherscan.io, ethplorer.io, polygonscan.com
- 标签: Algorand Ecosystem
- Reddit:
- Facebook: daybydayio
- Twitter: daybydayio
- Ranking: 7166
- 评分: 3.3
- # 4607
Day By Day is revolutionising the insurance industry through its unique web3 SaaS platform by offering in the first instance asset by asset protection to consumers and businesses.
Using emerging technologies, the first-of-its-kind insurtech platform allows a new age of insurepreneurs to influence insurance investment while we provide hyper-personalised, on-demand insurance products.
Insurepreneurs are able to own insurance policies (NFTs) that generate passive income and/or invest in our DeFi pool to provide underwriting for our insurance coverage. The InsureFi industry will provide the next generation of insurance products that are private, personalised and low-cost.
Day By Day is built on blockchain and uses AI; we remove back office admin, simplify customer transactions and provide the ability to scale without the traditional resource requirements.