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holoride (RIDE) Ethereum
평점3.7- Coin: holoride (RIDE)
- Launch Date: 2022-01-07
- 주소: 0xf97e2a78f1f3d1fd438ff7cc3bb7de01e5945b83
- 플랫폼: Ethereum
- 웹사이트: www.holoride.com
- 탐색기: explorer.elrond.com, etherscan.io, ethplorer.io
- 태그: VR/AR, Collectibles & NFTs, Gaming, Entertainment, Smart Contracts, Metaverse, Play To Earn, Elrond Ecosystem, MultiversX Ecosystem
- Reddit:
- Facebook: holoride
- Twitter: holoride
- Ranking: 1415
- 평점: 3.7
- # 1612