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Uquid Coin (UQC) Ethereum
평점4- Coin: Uquid Coin (UQC)
- Launch Date: 2017-12-13
- 주소: 0x8806926ab68eb5a7b909dcaf6fdbe5d93271d6e2
- 플랫폼: Ethereum
- 웹사이트: uquidcoin.com, uquid.com
- 탐색기: etherscan.io, ethplorer.io
- 태그: Asset Management, Commodities, Marketplace, DeFi, E-commerce, Payments, Token, DeFi 2.0
- Reddit: uquid
- Facebook: uquidcard
- Twitter: uquidcard
- Ranking: 198
- 평점: 4
- # 533
UQC is a decentralized virtual currency based on the ERC20 Token one of Ethereum Technological trends. The goal of this blockchain asset is to supplement the development of UQUID Ecosystem. In this virtual revolution, token holders will have the benefit of instantly and effortlessly cashing out their token.