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Ratio Finance (RATIO) Solana
평점2.7- Coin: Ratio Finance (RATIO)
- Launch Date: 2022-02-11
- 주소: ratioMVg27rSZbSvBopUvsdrGUzeALUfFma61mpxc8J
- 플랫폼: Solana
- 웹사이트: ratio.finance
- 탐색기: solscan.io
- 태그: DeFi, Solana Ecosystem, Circle Ventures Portfolio
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- Twitter: RatioFinance
- Ranking: 5352
- 평점: 2.7
- # 6826
Ratio Finance Protocol is a decentralized finance application platform on Solana designed to accept yield-bearing collateral to mint “USDr”, a collateralized debt position. The risk of all collateral is assessed by Ratio Finance protocol-owned algorithms, ensuring the safety and solvency of the protocol.