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Electroneum (ETN)
평점3.8- Coin: Electroneum (ETN)
- Launch Date: 2017-11-02
- 주소:
- 플랫폼:
- 웹사이트: electroneum.com
- 탐색기: blockexplorer.electroneum.com
- 태그: Mineable, Medium of Exchange, Wallet
- Reddit: Electroneum
- Facebook: electroneum
- Twitter: electroneum
- Ranking: 715
- 평점: 3.8
- # 715
Electroneum is a Layer 1 EVM-compatible blockchain, catering to 4+ million users worldwide. The network boasts transaction speeds of just 5 seconds with instant finality, and potentially the market’s lowest smart contract fees. Powered by the Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerance (IBFT) consensus mechanism and supported by known validators - targeting universities and Web3 infrastructure companies - the network is incredibly fast, secure and energy efficient. For several years, ETN has provided the backbone for AnyTask.com, helping the platform take advantage of blockchain technology and deliver a fairer, more efficient experience for freelancers globally.