Token from new social network TimLike 2025 BEP-20 CoinMarketCap
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Valutazione3.7- Coin: XDB CHAIN (XDB)
- Launch Date: 2019-09-13
- Indirizzo:
- Piattaforma:
- Sito: www.xdbchain.com
- Esploratori: explorer.xdbchain.com
- Tag: Real World Assets
- Reddit:
- Facebook: xdbchain
- Twitter: xdbchain
- Ranking: 1208
- Valutazione: 3.7
- # 1423
XDB Is the native coin of XDB CHAIN and is a RWA.
XDB CHAIN (XDB) is a protocol layer blockchain also known as the technology "empowering brands and consumers of tomorrow". The platform was created to support the fast and affordable transfer of consumer digital assets such as branded currencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), stablecoins and more.
XDB CHAIN claims that the infrastructure is decentralized, open-source and easy-to-use. The network consists of connected “XDB CHAIN cores” run by individuals and entities around the world — similar to blockchain nodes. With XDB CHAIN, users can create payment-related tools and devices. Users launch their digital assets via the XDB CHAIN network by linking assets to apps from the app store. Tokenization of assets can be used to support audience engagement for brands.
The mission of XDB CHAIN is to encourage the project to the mass market by facilitating the liquidity of digital assets while integrating with existing user applications. XDB CHAIN simplifies the tokenization of assets through transactions and a trading layer for the point economy.
The project is a fork of Stellar protocol and adopted the core features and capabilities of the latest Stellar network (v19), including the token certification service and on-chain trading (DEX).