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RAI Finance (SOFI) Ethereum
Valutazione3.8- Coin: RAI Finance (SOFI)
- Launch Date: 2021-04-07
- Indirizzo: 0xB49fa25978abf9a248b8212Ab4b87277682301c0
- Piattaforma: Ethereum
- Sito: rai.finance
- Esploratori: etherscan.io, ethplorer.io
- Tag:
- Reddit:
- Facebook:
- Twitter: RaiFinance
- Ranking: 4713
- Valutazione: 3.8
- # 1330
RAI Finance is a protocol designed to provide DeFi with a wider range of assets, a higher amount of liquidity, and a diverse set of financial use cases. When this feature set is combined with the cross-chain compatibility of the Polkadot ecosystem, it eliminates fragmentation across the existing DeFi ecosystem by bringing a complement of new assets and a higher amount of liquidity to decentralized finance.