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Virtual Coin (VRC)
रेटिंग3- Coin: Virtual Coin (VRC)
- Launch Date: 2023-11-15
- पता:
- प्लेटफार्म:
- वेबसाइट: vrccoin.com
- अन्वेषक: vrcscan.com
- टैग:
- Reddit:
- Facebook: profile.php?id=61553690783612
- Twitter: VrcCoin
- Ranking: 5144
- रेटिंग: 3
- # 4048
The Cryptocurrency of Payments
VRC coin is a Native cryptocurrency of VRC Blockchain with the massive ecosystem and advance Blockchain features such as:
- Web3.0
- Metaverse
- Smart contracts
- High security
- High transaction speed
- NFT Platform Compatibility
- low transaction fees
VRC coin uses the Proof-of-stake (POS) consensus algorithm where validators stake their VRC as collateral for earning rewards in shape of VRC coin.