डेटा केंद्र न्यूज़लेटर की सदस्यता लें
संपर्क करें

Noggles (NOGS) Ethereum

  • Coin: Noggles (NOGS)
  • Launch Date: 2024-04-26
  • पता: 0x5Fa20D59d2A907E5FEd9Fb80B4A8D9F0d069a48D
  • प्लेटफार्म: Ethereum
  • वेबसाइट: www.noggles.com, staking.nns.xyz
  • अन्वेषक: etherscan.io, basescan.org, polygonscan.com
  • टैग:
  • Reddit:
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter: nogglescoin
  • Ranking: 8787
  • रेटिंग: 2.9
  • # 2032
  • Noggles (NOGS)
  • वर्तमान कीमत: $0.00
  • बाजार पूंजीकरण: $0.00
  • 24 घंटे का ट्रेडिंग वॉल्यूम: $122.81

Noggles (NOGS) is a nounish coin created to push the boundaries of the ⌐◨-◨ meme.
Launched in 04/07/2023 and powered by Nouns Name Service (NNS) and in the future by other contributors, Noggles is an experimental attempt to create a nounish economy around the proliferation of the iconic ⌐◨-◨.
Differently from other meme coins, Noggles distribution doesn’t start from a liquidity pool, but from acts of proliferation made by users around the world.
Based on this vision, half of the NOGS supply is locked into a Social Staking contract that will mainly allocated to reward every NNS holder who uses their .⌐◨-◨ as Twitter name.
A small part of the Social Staking allocation will also include open initiatives of distribution launched on Twitter that will allow non holders to earn small amounts of $NOGS and join the community.
Noggles also relies on an ecosystem fund and a proliferation program that aims to bring projects, artists and builders into the nouniverse, rewarding ideas and stimulating coordination with other members of the ecosystem.