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Peercoin (PPC) Ethereum
Rating3.5- Coin: Peercoin (PPC)
- Launch Date: 2013-04-28
- Address: 0x044d078F1c86508e13328842Cc75AC021B272958
- Platform: Ethereum
- Website: www.peercoin.net
- Explorers: chainz.cryptoid.info, explorer.peercoin.net, etherscan.io, polygonscan.com
- Tags: Mineable, Hybrid - PoW & PoS, SHA-256, Medium of Exchange, Store Of Value, Payments, Staking
- Reddit: peercoin
- Facebook:
- Twitter: PeercoinPPC
- Ranking: 2682
- Rating: 3.5
- # 1056
Peercoin, also known as PPC or Peer-to-Peer Coin, was created by Sunny King and his team and launched in August 2012. It is the first blockchain to implement Proof-of-Stake consensus.
The primary inspiration behind the creation of Peercoin was to address a number of perceived shortcomings of Bitcoin, including energy efficiency, security and sustainability, decentralization and long-term viability.
Essentially it was designed as an enhanced replacement for Bitcoin. As such, it was originally forked from Bitcoin and uses the same UTXO style blockchain. However, Peercoin's code was modified to introduce Proof-of-Stake as its primary consensus protocol. The next section explains how this makes for a better blockchain.
Given that Peercoin uses most of the same code, it can easily port new features from Bitcoin and utilize any of the supporting infrastructure, including tech advancements like Taproot or Lightning Network. Peercoin is the only Proof-of-Stake blockchain that uses modern Bitcoin code, making it the perfect drop-in replacement.
Peercoin also has a dedicated community, is actively developed, fairly distributed, has low barriers of participation, can do everything that Bitcoin does, minus the 13 TWh of energy usage, and it's not a scam.